Stefanik Observatory

The tour takes 90 minutes

90 Minutes | Tour


The Štefánik Observatory

If you would like to see the Sun, the Moon and the stars, you should join this trip. The observatory is placed on the Petřín hill, close to the Prague Castle.

We will start with a movie, that takes 30 minutes. It will be either "The Universe Near and Distant", which introduces the Universe and our current knowledge about it, or "Prague Astronomical", which is mainly about sky observations in Prague and Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe.

Then it will be possible to try the historical telescopes. In daytime you can see the Sun and in the evening - which is better - you can catch a glimpse of the Moon and Venus. Depending on the time of the visit and the weather conditions you can be lucky to see other planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury or Mars, too. The observations will be adjusted to the age and the previous knowledge of the participants.

The visit ends in the small and well-arranged, but interesting exhibition, where you can get a lot of information through posters. There are exhibited small and medium-sized meteorites well.
